06 Nov
Game plays with Golden Cards are very similar to the well known Card Captor games like One Night Ultimate Werewolf. However, the game is played in an easy manner for newbies as well as veterans. Here, the player will have to play the role of a swordsman who needs to collect and transport certain item for the good of the community. So, while playing the game one must collect the Golden Cards from around his house. The player will also be required to travel to other towns and villages on his way to gather more cards.
This game is similar to the well known Internet based games like Goat Pilot and Sim City. This is probably the reason why it has become a hit amongst the youth of America. In a way this game offers an interesting challenge and it allows you to interact with your Facebook friends. Not only that, it also allows you to exchange information with them. However, it is necessary to note that while playing this game, you should keep in mind that the rules are different.
You should ensure that you obey all the rules carefully so that the game is not affected. It will be beneficial for you if you log in your Facebook account when playing this game to share your experience. The game is available in both iPhone and iPod Touch versions. Once you download the app, you will have to click on 'Game' option, which will prompt you to download the Golden Cards game. It will also prompt you to confirm for a new user profile.
Once done, you can then play the game and enjoy the fun.