21 Jan
The Coin Master series is coming to a mobile phone near you. The new iPhone version of the Android version of the classic iPhone game is finally available for download. The newest version of this game is called Coin Master HD on iPhone. I guess everyone's been asking how long it will take for this game to hit the market, well, I have to say it won't be long. There are several iPhone versions of the popular coin master game now available, and this latest release is only one of them.
This is not to say there aren't any other versions of the game to be found as all versions were created with iOS in mind. So you can say that, although they are all different from each other in features, they all still offer the same thing. Each of the new versions will be able to add a new account for free. As it currently stands, you are limited to having ten characters to add to your account. You can also have a maximum of ten people in your friends list to add to your account.
What makes the iPhone version unique from the others is the ability to add new account users without ever having to worry about losing your profile. You don't have to wait until you login to see if you already have any friends list entries. This new feature is available right from the start and you won't even notice it. All you have to do is to login once and you will have access to your friends list whenever you like. Another great feature of the coin master coins game that was introduced in the latest version is the ability to form Raids with your friends.
You can create a group of up to ten people and invite them all at once to go on an adventure together. You can keep track of everyone's progress in the game through the friends list. Also if you want to mix things up or add a new character then you can easily set up these raids anytime you like. This game's multiplayer version allows you to invite up to ten friends at the same time. The only downside of this particular feature is that you have to pay a one time fee.
It also doesn't offer any game changing updates, unlike the mobile version, which is offered by Square Enix and by NVIDIA. For the very best mobile version, you can always go with Google's Android. Its version offers more than double the features compared to the iPhone version and as of right now is always updated. The iPhone version of the popular Android coins game has been designed to take advantage of the extra screen space. While the Android version isn't much bigger than the iPhone version, it does have more space to show off all the awesome features of the game.
Being able to display all the different aspects of the game in the small screen space of the iPhone is a great benefit for the game, but another advantage of the game is that it can still be enjoyed even when you are away from your iPhone. This game has been getting a lot of downloads on the iPhone, as it keeps getting better. Another great feature of the iPhone version of the coin master coins game is the fact that it is free to play. This gives you a chance to try out the game for free without actually having to spend a dime. I guess you could say this game offers more than just a free chance to try it out.
So far, the games that are available for free are much easier to play than the paid versions of the coin master coins game, which are designed to offer a multitude of features and to make playing the game so much more exciting. You can even download and play against other iPhone users through your local network if you have friends who are on the same networkas you are. These multiplayer games are often known as Blitz or King of the Hill. While they are quite competitive games, you don't have to worry about losing your friends over the fact that you are using the iPhone version. No matter what platform you choose to play the popular coin master coins game on, just will never get old.
If you are looking for a unique way to play the game without having to leave your home, check out the popular iPhone version of the popular game.