11 Dec
. If you love playing games that are specially designed for a mobile device such as the Android, you will love the latest addition to the platform: The Coin Master Trade Card Game. This exciting game offers a combination of traditional Mobile app game style gameplay and an immersive virtual reality (VR) setting. Now this is a game you won't want to miss. This new twist on classic Mobile app game style gambling allows players to experience the excitement of acquiring Phoenix Cards by using real Coins.
These cards are used to purchase property and upgrade it for increased value. Players acquire more cards by either purchasing them with real Coins or by playing in the Coin Master rooms. However, if you don't have real Coins on hand then you can also choose to buy a selection of cards to use instead. As you may already know, in the Coin Master Facebook Group I am known as the "Gambling Guru". I am always looking for innovative ways to incorporate fun gaming mechanics into my games and to make them easier to play.
In the Coin Master Facebook Group I saw the idea of using the Oculus Rift headset as an element of the game. I thought it was a very innovative way to promote and introduce this exciting VR experience to the Android Coin Master game. You might be asking yourself why I would want to take advantage of the Rift's two-way tracking capabilities to have a game where your phone's screen could be turned into a VR gaming monitor. The truth is that this is not a game where you use a phone screen to control the game. Instead you use the iPhone or Android phones as a headset to view a headset display and make the necessary moves.
The concept behind the Coin Master Facebook group and the Android Coin Master new event is a clever way to attract new players to this game. After the Oculus Rift release a series of updates were introduced to the Android version that add to the fun and excitement of the game. The update added a new screen that tracks the most popular property ownership among Facebook friends, announced a new Android launch for a newly launched Android Facebook app, announced an exciting new Android coin card giveaway and announced an exciting new Android coin card prize offer! I believe that the Coin Master Facebook Group should be recognized as one of the best places to find information about the Android version of this game. I was first introduced to this game via the Internet and this is my second time playing it. In the past I have found that the Android version of this game has great potential for fun and excitement.
The Facebook groups is a wonderful place to interact with other players to discuss strategies and share tips and tricks with them to help you win and improve your game. In my opinion the Coin Master Facebook group is a brilliant way to promote this particular mobile version of the game. You can use this event to promote the app and announce its upcoming Android updates as well as provide incentive to friends and family to come along and get involved. My goal is to see this game on the Android platform and I'm extremely excited for the future of this exciting Android download. As you can see I love using social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to promote my games and apps.
I have found that these social media platforms give me the chance to reach a wide range of people around the world. In the Coin Master Facebook group I have met some amazing people that I now refer to as my friends.