28 Aug
Coin Master is a very fun and addictive iPhone game. This game is all about stealing or being one of the many thieves attempting to steal from the hoard of gold hidden throughout the island of Davy Jones' Locker. The game is pretty much like the popular game Clue, except in this case there are gold coins rather than pieces of art and in this case the gold coins are stored within the game itself. The aim of the game is to move your character's level up as quickly as possible. The level is based on the main game board itself, which is divided into a number of levels of increasing difficulty.
Each level has a number of coins at its heart, which need to be collected. The main object of the game is to become the hero and collect enough coins to move up the main board. The key to a winner is collecting the most coins in the shortest amount of time and so the thrill of the chase is very much what the game revolves around. The level of difficulty changes with each level and the gold, you have to collect also varies. One of the first levels has you moving right to left, you then travel around the map collecting gold coins along the way and at the end you will be moving up the main board to where the other treasure lies.
The other levels have you moving around the map using portals. You can also avoid the portals, if you wish by touching them when they appear. At the top of the board the game will be changing to a new game style which is known as the Flash Game of Coin Master. Flash is a computer rendering language and the game of coin master consists of four different Flash games. The first of these games is the Catch Cards Game, this is basically a game of catch where the player gets a hint that the game will be a coin game when the hint appears.
If the player is able to get a true hit then he or she wins the game and a new card is drawn. The player is able to move to the next card to take but cannot get hit by the card they are about to take. The second game is called Set Cards and consists of three cards that the player must sort out into a set. This can be done by making a smart guess and whether the correct card was taken or not. The third game is known as Catch Cards that again has three cards that the player must sort into a set.
This is the same as the first game except the player's guesses are again based on whether the correct card was taken or not. The fourth game is called Scratch Cards and consists of two cards that the player must sort in the opposite order. It is also a game of taking the cards and putting them in sets to form a pattern. The fifth game is called Set Cards, a new twist on the existing game. The player who guesses correctly must sort the cards back into their original order and win.
These are the games and one is to be played after the other to unlock the hidden gold at the end of the game. The hidden gold consists of three other games which when completed will complete the game.