21 Jun
New and exciting action from the makers of Clash of Clans and Farm Heroes is available on Facebook Coins. Coin Master is an awesome new mobile game that you can find on Facebook and it will give you hours of fun and excitement. Players in Coin Master are given a coin and are given two different options to complete. If they let the coins fall into a river or if they allow them to bounce up and down a series of platforms, as many times as they wish. However, if the player attempts to let the coins to bounce up and down with some other enemy characters, they will lose all their coins and can be eliminated from the game! For all the players that have played this type of game before, the coins falling into the water that makes the coins "accidentally" go into the river are gone and so are all the fun.
On the other hand, you can also use the platform to do some other moves and add to your collection of coins! Some coins can be collected by allowing them to bounce up and down, while others can be collected by hitting the enemies and hitting the platforms, which keeps them from falling into the water. If you hit them enough times, the coins will even start to glow and that gives you more coins! There are different varieties of enemies that you will fight in this game. Some enemies are bigger than others, some have different types of moves and they all have different levels of health. You will be able to choose the most suitable type of enemy for your play style. Coins are also used to buy upgrades and weapons and these come in different colors and levels of rarity, so that you will need to play through the game a few times before you can purchase them.
The game can be played in Free and Cross Platform play. This is a great way to get an idea of how the game works and it lets you get a feel for what the game is all about. Facebook has a lot of new games on the site and they've also added a whole bunch of new games for all the platforms and this makes it very easy to download and try out, without any problems at all. This is probably one of the biggest benefits to playing Facebook games. A lot of them work in cross-platform environments, so that you can download them on all of the different phones and tablets that you have.
In Coin Master, the coin characters are all animated and look much better than the original icons of the game. The animation quality is top notch and the graphics are gorgeous, although I have to say that I didn't like the low resolution that they were presented in. I prefer to get high resolution for all my games. You can also choose between the Multi-Touch and the Tablet Mode. The Multi-Touch mode is where you can swipe up to activate special coins that add up your own score, which is very satisfying.
The tablet mode lets you navigate your coins from one point to another, much like the old coin games did, but there is also an option to use the stylus to do the same thing. Well, it does look and play exactly like the originals, doesn't it? All the original classics are available, and there are all sorts of advanced versions of those classic games. Coin Wars looks like it's in some sort of high-tech hellscape, and the Mushroom wars can take you back to your youth and have you knocking down walls while you are playing. It's fun to play them all, but you won't be able to collect all of them all. It looks like the military is taking advantage of the chaos and attacking an enemy base and the Leader of the Charge, looks like he's going to take over the world, but then he's stopped.
When he gets off of the ground and starts flying around, it gets very difficult to control and he may just crash into a wall. All of these have been very good ideas for using the strategy that they had in mind, but it would have been better to really improve the graphics of the original games.