19 Jul
Welcome to the Tigers Are Coming To Get You! review of the latest Rhino Coin Master game, Tiger Coin Master. Okay, first off let me talk about the basics of this title: The monster is trying to reach the cave where he and his family are hiding. He uses the shovel to dig down and discover items he can use in his fight with you. He needs to find different kinds of items that are needed to defeat you. The scrolling action is fast and the screens change frequently as you go along.
It's fast so you can't afford to be lazy and you need to stay alert. On your turn you have a few options for action. You can smash the rocks or move onto the next level and try to reach the cave. As you get closer to the cave, you must run and get items from the cave so you can defeat the monster. That sounds easy, but it's hard to find fault with this game.
You can't just run from point A to point B because you need to get from point A to point B. You need to defend your food supply and search for items so you can defeat the monster. For example if you're playing the Duke Henry game then the monsters come out at night so you don't want to waste any energy running out of torches. You'll have to think quickly and plan your next move and attack, like, ASAP, when the monster comes out. Also the variations in each level makes the game more challenging, as I said above.
In one level you have to gather 3 diamond rings in under 2 minutes, in another you have to collect 15apples in an hour, etc. The secret is to survive the variety of levels and the variety of monsters. Build up your team of warriors, your women and your children. These are the important people you'll need to survive. It's a win-win situation if you can build up enough supplies to defend your cave from the other player.
The great thing about this game is that it's easily accessible and free. There are no hidden costs or virtual Coins involved. There are only coins and gold coins, which you can get from completing levels. The fact that you can play it in a short period of time makes it so much fun. I mean, just think about how fast you play it.
There's just so much to do and so many crazy things to do. If you don't want to try the final boss you can wait until the final level and then you can challenge him. Once you defeat him you win. If you're looking for an action packed, fun filled game then I recommend you check out How to Attack Madness Coin Master on the internet. You may even have a blast playing this one.
It's great for kids and adults, alike.