29 Mar
If you are new to Facebook or haven't played in a while, you might want to consider playing a free game called Coin Master. When you download the game to your Facebook account, there are two different levels of coins you can earn, at first you earn coins by completing games on the online version and then the bonus level and then the level where you can win them. To earn coins from the bonus level, you need to have a high score to send it to the winner. In this guide, I will share the basics about how to play and how to earn coins for winning 100 spins at Coin Master game. By the end of this guide, you will have earned a lot of free coins and you will be able to use those coins to unlock all of the challenges and pay the high cost coins for winning 100 spins at the online game.
To start off, you need to sign up for the Coin Master game and make sure you choose the game mode you want to play when you are searching for players to play with. Once you have signed up, you will be prompted to select how many coins you want to send to the winner every time you win a spin at the game. You will also be asked to select which level of coins you would like to win at. You can then see how many coins you need to send to the winner each time you win a spin. This number is usually in the thousands.
It's suggested that you send the majority of your coins to the winner if you are going to send any to the winner after you win a spin, because you don't want to spend more than you can afford and waste some of your coins. It's important to note that you can't win more than a few coins a day in a free game. When you are playing a free game like this, you will be limited to the number of coins you can send to the winner each time you win a spin. The number of coins you can send per spin is shown to the right of the winner's name on the level of coins screen in the game. You will also want to send coins when you start out on a level of coins you can send to the winner to make sure you have enough to complete the level and earn coins.