01 Jun
- Be Part of the Big, New 'The Raid' Free Game!. Facebook has recently introduced a new game, called "The Raid" for iPhone and Android phones and mobile web browser. If you haven't tried it yet, then you really should give it a try; because the new game "The Raid" is a free application that literally can be played in a matter of minutes! The Raid game is available online for free on Facebook and can be played easily by creating your own Facebook account. Once you've created your account, you'll have the ability to create and manage Raids, and this is the basic idea behind The Raid game. You select who your character is going to be, select a map, and then let others choose a side and a "boss" monster to kill; and the goal is simple: to survive the "Raid"! Facebook's friend's list is one of the most wonderful features available to anyone with an Internet connection.
This feature lets you connect with people from all over the world! Facebook provides excellent graphics, and the video quality is incredible. The Raid game will have you sharing jokes, and other fun things with your Facebook friends. Facebook is also introducing the popular game called "Coin Master," a high-quality free card game where players compete against each other in the arena, to accumulate coins. You must also consider how many coins you have left, so that you can purchase the next level. And because you are competing against thousands of other players, you're going to need to develop strategies and learn how to strategize correctly; otherwise, you're going to lose out to the other players! It can get frustrating when you're playing "Coin Master" when you lose; especially if you're just starting out in the game.
So before you start playing, make sure you have the right knowledge and skills to play the game; and your best strategy is to sign up for "The Raid." There's absolutely no risk at all, and you'll quickly learn how to win the game! Once you start playing "The Raid," you'll discover that the gameplay of "Coin Master" is essentially the same. So if you're a fan of "The Raid," and you're tired of losing games in "Coin Master," you're going to love "The Raid." This is a fabulous game for everyone to play - and once you start playing it, you'll probably want to start playing it everyday! "The Raid" is a great game that not only can be played online, but also through the use of Facebook "games." After you've discovered the game through Facebook, you may want to continue playing it on Facebook, as well as playing it on your iPhone or Android smartphone.
This is because you never know when a new update is going to be available, and if you play through it on both devices, you'll be able to pick up on new strategies quickly. You may have never heard of "The Raid" before; but with the introduction of "The Raid" into Facebook's games, it can become one of your favorites, as well as the most popular game in Facebook! The Internet is filled with amazing games that people love to play, and "The Raid" is one of them!