27 Jun
The RaidCoin Master Trading Card Game was the first card game to be developed specifically for social networking and the idea for the Fox Coin Master Trading Card Game originated from this. The media attention to the concept of a virtual card game being used in this way was so much that its creators decided to see if it could be successful on Facebook and Twitter. This was a rather large undertaking, and so they took their time in developing this unique opportunity. The game is not even out yet, but it has been extremely successful. As of now, it has been downloaded more than 10 million times, has thousands of fans, and people all over the world have become involved with the game.
So far, the game has had hundreds of thousands of new users signing up everyday. It is still in its very early stages, but the fun is already having an impact on many. The first step to making this venture successful was to find a way to make the game available on Facebook and Twitter. This was a very important decision, because the Facebook community is one of the largest in the world. For this reason, the opportunity to grow this popularity was a major concern.
The easy way to do this was to use the famous Riot Games application. This was the tried and true method to send out updates about your game, and there are only so many accounts to be added. Using Facebook to offer updates made it easy for many fans to join in on the excitement of the game. By doing this, the game became a worldwide phenomenon, with fans in many countries, from all over the world. After getting the fans in order, the next step was to make the coins used in the game more valuable.
The game began to grow because the price of the coins was not worth very much. This lead to a steady increase in revenue, but this went hand in hand with the growth of the player base. When the fans started trading the coins, more coins were being created, and the overall value of the coins increased, which caused a slow but steady increase in the overall value of the coins. This strategy allowed the coins to be used to create value, while providing a constant supply of them.