05 Jun
At the moment in Google Play, an Android version of the Facebook Hammer game has been added to the popular mobile Coin Master Game. Hammer is a round that has you trying to hit the opposing player's goal with a hammer that you place on the circular goal circle. The winner gets points for that hit and can use the Coins gained to buy more hammers to continue the round until one player has been eliminated. This is very much similar to the original version except that instead of obtaining hammers to make more hits you collect virtual Coins to buy hammers to continue playing. It will come as no surprise then that the Android version of this popular game is receiving positive reviews from the community.
Hammer has been made possible because of the new game mechanic that allows players to increase their score and level as well as collect more coins. This can be done by making hits that are bigger than the opponent and therefore should be considered a bigger hit than any of the smaller hits that you make. When this happens the first competitor to complete the pattern of the hammer gets the chance to take one of the competitors off the circle. This is how many players have won a number of rounds and will be entering the final round of the game. This makes it more interesting as it does not only affect your own performance but also the performance of your opponent.
In the Facebook Hammer game, you will also need to make sure that you are able to use the various players, this means if you take your time when placing your hammer on the circle that a smaller player may be able to take it away from you. A smart move would be to place the hammer on the circle only after all players are positioned. Place the hammer on the circle and now it will only be the challenge of trying to get the circle to be completed before your opponents finish would be a matter of skills and timing, not on where to place the hammer.