29 Jun
Raid Coin Master is a hugely popular and exciting free mobile game that has players competing against each other in online matches. The game is extremely addictive and is always in the top 5 in the gaming charts worldwide. It is quite simple to play and plays to the strengths of the iPhone in that it is very quick to load and set up. As with most games, it is also a case of trying the level, collecting the coins and then running over to the end to try and beat the next level. In this game, players have the ability to choose between a variety of power ups that will give them additional moves, turn the tables on their opponents or even give them additional chances to try and beat the level.
The only problem with this is that the amount of power-ups players can get is limited, and once they've exhausted their supply they have no more. This has led to the quest for finding a way to continue playing the game after they've exhausted their supply of power ups and in doing so giving them an opportunity to try and beat the game level. This new method is to use the free game mod known as the Raid Coin Master Level Hack. With this system, players are able to earn rewards by completing the levels they've set up on the "Rack". When the game is first loaded, a simple level is loaded for the player to begin with.
Once the level is completed, the player will be prompted to visit the next level and again earn the appropriate rewards for the completion of that level. This ensures that players are constantly earning additional levels without having to spend any real Coins or download any other software to continue to progress through the game. All that is required of the player is to ensure they complete the level on the initial level they are given and continue to do so until they've earned the desired level and the achievements. Players must keep in mind that the game itself is relatively simple, but the rewards they are able to earn are much more valuable. Some of the Achievements include: winning the first game, earning the required number of coins to purchase every upgrade in the game, winning all the 5 total rounds in a single game, winning each round before time runs out, eliminating all opponents from the game, and finally finishing the game within the shortest possible time.
Players can complete these in different ways depending on their preferences, and in no time at all they will have earned their desired rewards. Those who didn't have the time to complete these Achievements in the time allotted were awarded a random number for every level they completed. The concept behind the game is not just for fun but also to earn some extra Spins, and this is achieved without spending any Coins.