13 Nov
The brilliant "Hammers Coin Master" game has been taking the world by storm. This particular game has been built with the professional gamer in mind and made available to its clients free of charge for online play. Players must work their way through a set of clues on their mission to defeat the High King. This game offers a wide variety of coins, which can be used to unlock items, build structures and improve the game's difficulty level. The coins can also be used to select between 4 different levels of difficulty which range from easy to medium.
The game's look and feel are so stunning that it can really give you that sense of excitement. You must be quick though as there are some gems that have got some 'life' in them! The walls are littered with places where you have to knock over. These walls must be knocked over using a coin to get to the other side. Once you have reached the end of the level, you will discover another wall on your left. You can only cross this wall using a wall coin.
It is your goal to knock over as many walls as possible. Remember you are only allowed to knock over the wall with the coin you're holding, you cannot hold any other coins. Once all walls have been knocked over and the High King has been defeated you will receive a gold award. Each enemy appears to be more challenging than the previous one. You will need to take note of the numbers which appear above the screen and use them wisely when you find the walls.
Every enemy's appearance will be an indication that you are nearing the final screen. You can cross a wall using the same coins or you can choose a new set of coins to use. Remember, you are only allowed to use one coin at a time.