09 Oct
The Fox's Fox and the Evil Playah This is the story of how to attack madness coin master game. It is the third game of coin master new event. In the second game, the fox went against the evil player. Now the story begins with the fox getting hold of a third game. The story begins in a village called kingdom.
Once, the leader of the village was scared by the fox. Because of that, he hid himself in the dark forest. He also took the fox with him. After many days, the fox wanted to go into the past. In the house, the fox saw a mirror.
With the help of the mirror, he acquired a magical ring from inside the mirror. The ring transformed the ring into a mirror. The fox transformed into the Evil Playah. The bad one wanted to escape the villagers by taking the first game of coin master new event. Now, the Fox went on to the mirror with the ring.
He tried to enter the past. But in the past, there was a man who had the most beautiful appearance. The first day that the Fox came into the village, the angry one trapped the villagers. With the help of the mirror, the fox entered the castle to find the prince. In the castle, the fox fell into the dungeon.
The castle was hidden by the mirror and the prince. The fox knocked down the doors of the room to the prince. The princess did not like what he did to her mirror. She told the fox to leave the mirror alone. But the fox did not listen to the princess.
So he went out of the mirror. In the same time, the castle was in the hands of the evil man. The fox had to face the evil player. It is time for the game of coin master new event. The fox went on to find the prince.
Once the fox found the prince, he defeated the evil player.