18 Feb
Hammer out how to attack madness coin master game on Facebook! No, you didn't get crazy, but you do have a very strange piece of furniture inside your house. You can literally change it back to normal if you get a hold of the code to unlock the strange object. You've heard the stories of a person called "Hammer", who has been the target of vicious threats and attacks from players of the Coins Galore game in Facebook, known as the "Maniac Mansion" game. While at first it was just a few players that weren't too pleased with Hammer's remarks, the threats and insults only increased over time. Hammer has recently contacted several members of Facebook to alert them of the issue.
There are many reasons why players tend to hate Hammer of the Coins Galore game, but they all seem to stem from the fact that he doesn't always follow his own set of rules. Players have discovered that the one way that Hammer removes coins from the game, is by mutating those that are left in the board. Most players find this type of behavior very rude and demeaning. A couple of weeks ago, several players began to suspect that Hammer of the Coins Galore had modified the game in order to make it more difficult for other players to win. Over the course of several weeks, there have been several events of a somewhat strange nature, starting with a coin changing glitch in the game that allowed other players to control the movement of the Board.
However, at no point was any progress made towards completing anything. It's crazy to think that there could be a game so close to "real life" where someone can lose a player a million dollars. So, what is going on in the minds of those players who think that they've been hacked? Is it some sort of coincidence that these events have happened during the same time frame as the Facebook "Maniac Mansion" game? Well, the short answer is, they have not. Over the past few weeks, several players have claimed that they have been attacked by a mysterious character using Hammer of the Coins Galore. Hammer's real name is Joe Gargiulo, an associate of the website's creator, Eric Peterson.
Over the last few months, Peterson has been dealing with a lot of negative feedback from users, calling him a scam artist, a fraud, etc. Many people believe that Hammer did it on purpose to get attention for his own internet marketing. While it seems unlikely, it is possible that Hammer of the Coins Galore is some sort of scheme to push Peterson's sales to the forefront. Peterson is also a huge marketer of online gambling games such as Swords & Soldiers. Hammer has claimed that he is actually not even the real Joe Gargiulo, and that his real identity is in fact Eric Peterson.
Many people believe that this is a clever strategy, and that Hammer isn't serious about what he says, but it doesn't change the fact that there is a problem with the coins in the game. This will, however, just be a part of a larger plan to fight back against Hammer's accusations of cyber-bullying and internet scamming. Hammer's agenda for now is simply to gain the most notoriety for himself. His goal isn't to take advantage of his opponents, it's to earn the reputation of being the most hated person in the world of Facebook. The longer he goes on, the more followers he will gain from those who will believe his claims of being the victim of cyber-bullying.
In light of the endless stream of proof that Hammer is, in fact, a hoax, it may be best to simply ignore him. He is claiming to be the victim of someone else's actions, so there's nothing to take away from him other than his opinion. his success and notoriety. If you want to help Hammer's situation by informing him of what he's done wrong, do so in a non-confrontational manner. He seems to take his revenge in private.
his own web pages.