17 Oct
The newest Facebook iPhone Game that's all the rage online is based on the wildly popular Super Mario Brothers game and was just released for iPhone. The game is called Coin Master. This has become an instant hit online because it's the first mobile version of a Nintendo game that's had the ability to be played on your iPhone. When you play this game, it can be tricky at times because there are a lot of hidden secrets that are kept from you. It's pretty cool.
In this game you will be given a number of coins to use in this fun twist on the classic game of Coin Master. You'll use these coins to buy different power ups and special items. You get more coins by having bigger combos. You can also use the coins you get to buy a power up that allows you to shoot coins out of the top of the screen to score points for you and make it to the goal line. The more combos you hit the faster you move the speed in which you collect the coins.
After a certain amount of time the game stops and you're told that you've run out of coins. But this doesn't mean you have to give up. Buy more coins and get to the goal line faster than anyone else. This game can be very addicting and fun to play. If you haven't gotten a chance to try it out for yourself, go grab an iPhone.
It's a great way to play the game on the go. It may be one of the newest games that's going viral right now.