10 Jun
This week's episode of the Simpsons is a doozy: the episode "Homer the Heretic" is a three-part episode that wraps up what has been an increasingly complicated story line. In the final installment, Homer (and by extension the rest of the family) finally learns how to roll his own coins. Starting with the coin of which the main character, Homer, was born without: the coins are not easy to roll for him. Homer can't even handle the coins he's created, while they're rolling around in his hands. For his part, the coin master game doesn't make it easy for the Springfield citizens; they have to either roll their own coins or hit their bellies to make Homer lose his head.
Luckily, though Homer has such need, the game itself is designed so that the stakes aren't that high. This makes for a very easy lesson that everyone can learn, even Homer. Eulogy: The "To Whom You Will Grieve" electronic eulogy for one of the Simpsons' beloved characters. It is perfect for celebrating the passing of a dear friend or a dearly departed loved one. Eulogy: The "To Whom You Will Grieve" uses a selection of musical pieces from the past and present to create an eerie score and a haunting message that resonated throughout the evening.
It's no surprise that many mourners, as well as those who just want to express their sorrow, turn to this electronic eulogy at the end of their lives. Eulogy: The "To Whom You Will Grieve" is just one of many choices available to the eulogy-lovers. These options include: the "To Whom You Will Grieve" video download, the "To Whom You Will Grieve" audio download, and the eulogy video itself. Eulogy: By far, the most popular eulogy at present is the eulogy video downloadable from the website of the "To Whom You Will Grieve" eulogy. The beautiful, darkly romantic cinematography of the eulogy video and its creation process to give it a very high "quality."
Eulogy: Many funeral directors prefer to use this popular video at funerals rather than the eulogy audio. The eulogy video adds a sense of drama to the funeral service that would be missing were it not for the eulogy audio. Eulogy: A selected number of people who choose to make use of eulogy downloads from the "To Whom You Will Grieve" website download the eulogy video version instead of the eulogy audio. It is clear that the creation process that the "To Whom You Will Grieve" team had to go through to create the eulogy video was something truly worth looking forward to. Funeral: It is a favorite pastime of many people to become obsessed with the "To Whom You Will Grieve" eulogy.
They would like nothing more than to find out what happens next and often spend hours researching and re-creating what will transpire at the funeral. Viking Coin Master: Like the game of "chicken" in which the object is to get the chicken to land on a red dot, the game of "chicken" is just as much a part of the life of the deceased as is the life of the viewer. If you have been attending church services regularly in which funerals take place, you'll know what I'm talking about: how churches operate their funeral services. For example, the novice clergyman will often ask "Who will become the presiding minister during the funeral service?" and the veteran, seasoned minister will turn around and look in amazement and reply, "You betcha - it's the genius game of "Viking Coin Master"!"