19 Aug
In my last article we explored how to code the Facebook Coin Master New Event application. I will be explaining in this article how to code the Twitter Coin Master New Event application. The strategy used for the Twitter version of the game is the same with the Facebook version except that the Twitter version requires more social media features. For those of you who do not know what this Twitter feature is, you can see the name of the social media account here: @tweetcoin_master. This is the Twitter account which has been used by the developers to promote the Facebook game.
The purpose of this Twitter account is to enable people to create a Twitter account with the same characteristics as the Facebook account. In the last article I have explained in detail how to code the Facebook version of the Coin Master game. This involves sending out messages from the Facebook application to the Twitter application. This enables the Twitter application to notify its users that it has received a message from the Facebook application. All this happens automatically without the need for you to manually send out messages.
To add to this, you will also need to take care of your Twitter account as well, because any tweet from the Twitter application will be shown in your profile. Another benefit of the Twitter version of the game is that you can use all the same social media features in addition to the regular Facebook features. A basic example would be: you can add a picture to your profile, or you can add a status update to your tweet. Or if you are playing against someone in the Facebook version of the game, you can add them as a friend and then send them a message and they will reply to your message to let you know that they saw your Tweet in their timeline. There are some downsides with the Twitter version of the game.
The first one is that because the game is Twitter-centric, your friends might not be able to find your Tweet in their timelines unless you actively push it there. Because of this feature, you have to be careful to not overdo it. You should still keep your Tweet clean and free of spam. When the Facebook version of the game was first released, I was quite surprised when the game developers decided to implement a new event: the Master Viking New Event. I was expecting them to use the standard event model and let it run on autopilot.
I was even surprised when the developers did not release this new event until the Facebook release. The reason why they chose to add this new event to the game so late is that they wanted to make sure that it was compatible with Twitter's new feature. This is understandable because it is a competitor in terms of being able to increase its user base. After all, if you want to get people to buy a product, you will have to offer an incentive to them before they purchase it. The developers of the Facebook version of the Coin Master game have realised that people want to know when something is going to happen.
It is only natural that they want to give this to their users by allowing them to communicate with each other using different forms of communication.