25 Jul
How to Coin Master is a new mobile game from Viking Coin? It is an addictive puzzle game where you have to explore, collect and combine the coins to unlock as many different areas of the board as possible. The game comes with two versions, one where you have to collect as many coins as possible and the other version where you have to spend as little time as possible searching for the hidden coins. Collecting coins is a lot like finding coins, in that it's a hunt for hidden treasure. There are four different types of coins and you will need to use all of them at some point during the game. You may find a special type of coin that helps to complete your collection faster but these coins can also get hard to find.
Play every character on the board once, it's a good idea to try a few different characters in order to discover what works best for you. Each character has a specific ability that adds a twist to the game, so if you get confused you can just switch over to the character that you don't understand the best and get a feel for it. The most important thing is to remember which characters can help you get to the bottom of each level and which can stop you before you reach the next. The game is very easy to play, all you have to do is roll the dice and hope that you roll high enough to finish off the board. There are a number of coins that you can find that are hard to reach or otherwise difficult to collect.
Use these coins wisely, find the ones that look best and save them for later. The game really does rely on strategy and this is what makes it so addictive. There are plenty of hidden objects scattered throughout the entire game. Some will be placed in dangerous places so you must be careful where you put them, you don't want to harm any of the characters that you'retrying to collect. There are coins that are far out of reach that you can collect.
These are particularly fun, as you'll be discovering the coins in their different locations. Many of the boards in the game will contain particular icons that appear very quickly and randomly. Try to locate the icons as quickly as possible, otherwise they could become lost. When you hit these icons you'll often find yourself in a very difficult situation. Some of the enemies in the game are very difficult to kill, and if you don't plan well, you may find yourself having to go back through the level to get to a previously hidden location.
Keep an eye out for the special coins that will give you even more power and coins than normal. These special coins are not found anywhere else, so they are extremely valuable. It's always a good idea to use the special coins to reach higher levels. It's always a good idea to give your characters a power up so that they can fight tougher enemies and finish the game earlier. Don't forget to save as many of the coins as possible so that you can find the special coins and upgrade your characters.
The game can seem very difficult but there are certain strategies that you can use to make the game a lot easier. Viking Coin Master has really created a fun and interesting game that you should check out.