12 Nov
Many people ask how to coin Master Levels game on the Apple's iPhone. Even though the game has been online for some time now, it's still not that widely played. On average it is downloaded somewhere around two million times every day. The main reason why it's not as popular as other games is due to the fact that there is only one other game for the iPhone - Bubble Ghost. So most people playing the game have already played Bubble Ghost and they are simply curious if the other game is as fun as Bubble Ghost was.
This is why you will find that the coin needs to be earned somehow in this game. Now with the release of Coin Master for iPhone and the subsequent release of the Android app on the Play Store, you can earn Coins while playing the game. You can take advantage of the competitive nature of the game by earning coins by completing challenges. These challenges can come from both online players and local players. You will then be able to buy coins in the store.
If you choose to take coins from the online player community you can help increase the popularity of the game as well. The cool thing about this popular game is that you can play it on both your phone and the mobile internet. If you choose to play on your phone then you can create an account and use the available coins to level up or purchase coins to purchase currency, which you can use to purchase items for items, which you can use to purchase items or to upgrade your weapons. You can also use the coins to purchase special boosters that allow you to gain a higher rank faster when playing the game.