29 Jul
The newest addition to the Coin Master Facebook game Facebook is an update to the How to Coin Master Facebook game. You can not only earn coins and collect bonuses, but also earn "Fox Coins" by simply signing up for a new account. Fox Coin (the currency used in the How to Coin Master Facebook game) can be used to purchase things from certain merchants online, or even to instantly boost your score and gain extra lives! With the new update to the How to Coin Master Facebook game, you will now be able to earn Fox Coins from just about any activity you choose to participate in. While the How to Coin Master Facebook game has been around for years, the Fox Coin updates gives players more choices for how they spend their Fox Coins and makes the game more challenging for players who want to see what is out there to be had in the How to Coin Master Facebook game. Below are some examples of how the Fox Coin activity works: There are three categories of Fox Coins (examples: "Trophies", "Jackpot"Cash Out"): categories will reward you for playing the game's bonus activities.
If you wish to claim your rewards, you must play the bonus activities every day for that category. This category rewards you for playing all of the associated bonus activities. You get a single Fox Coin when you complete all of the bonus activities. You then unlock a chance to receive two additional coins and two additional bonus coins! This category rewards you for playing as many of the associated bonus activities as you can. This will give you a multiplier of 2.00x
the amount of coins you will be awarded when you complete all of the bonus activities! After you have completed all of the activities, you will be rewarded with one more Fox Coin! "Jackpot" Coins can be earned for winning games against other players. Your winnings will be multiplied by the total payout of the Jackpot, so you can easily rack up some serious jackpot Coins! Jackpot games can be won with each of the three categories mentioned above, or with just the Jackpot. "Jackpot" Cash Out rewards you for spending all of your Fox Coins on purchases or bonuses! These are excellent as a way to get you more Coins to play with while not wasting time in a game that you do not like. Once you have spent your Fox Coins and you are no longer in the game, your Coins is yours to play with! "Trophies" rewards that can be earned for playing all of the associated bonus activities and earning them. This is a great way to get some extra Fox Coins as a result of playing some activities that can be really fun!