23 Jun
This is how to create and launch a Facebook ad to attract people to play the iPhone app that features the viral Facebook game "How to Coin Master Levels." Your game has already been created and it's ready to be launched. Facebook lets you create a unique page that showcases your latest Facebook ad. To do this, first select the "Create a Page" option from the menu and follow the instructions. You will be prompted to enter your information and your link.
Next, go to Facebook's website and register an account. Once you have signed up, select the "Advertising" tab. This is where you will select your game and choose which marketing options you would like to use. When you click the "create an ad" button, the page you are on will display different ad formats for you to choose from. Some may appear similar but when you hover your mouse over them, you will see more details.
For example, your landing page will display different banner ads that you can change if you prefer to use a different design. The ad that will show up on your page may be for your website or your Facebook advertising campaign. When you are finished selecting the format of your ad, select the "edit" button on the ad's landing page. This will display different ad editing options and you should select the "build page." Once you've done that, you will be asked to fill out the required information for your page.
After you have selected your page as the place where you want to send your "How to Coin Master Levels" ads, you can click the "launch" button to begin posting your page's ad. To do this, click the "add" button and then select the "launch ad" option. It will take a few seconds before your ad will appear on the landing page. Once the ad has begun appearing on your page, you can check the stats and click the "view ad" button to see what pages have already been posted by other Facebook users. To post the ad again, select the "update" option at the top of the page.
You will see a progress bar that shows how many users have already viewed your page's ad. If the number continues to decrease, you may need to add more people to your list of Facebook friends. On the other hand, if your number keeps increasing, it could mean that your ad is gaining popularity. Facebook gives you the option to invite more people to share your ad with their own groups and fan pages. Before you do that, you may want to check your email for an email from Facebook and confirm that you have permission to send the invitation.
While you wait for your invites to arrive, you can log into Facebook and check your history of who has already viewed your ad. To do this, log into your Facebook account and then go to the "ads" section. Here, you will see the stats that Facebook displays to show how many people have seen your ad and clicked through to view your site. It is best if you send invitations only to people that you know already have an email address. Although Facebook offers several other ways to invite people to share your ad with their Facebook accounts, it is best to stick with sending people who have an email address.
Finally, when you have sent all of your invites, just wait for your Facebook ads to begin showing up in your inbox. You will be able to watch how your ads appear on otherpeople's Facebook pages.