15 Feb
Recently the mobile coin marketing game Coin Master got a "How to get lucky" a little site. It is supposed to be a tip for anyone wanting to play the mobile Coin Master game. The main idea is that if you want to see more coins, the more websites you visit. While this may seem like a good idea, it is not exactly how the game works. First off, the "How to get lucky" has no relationship to the game at all; it is merely advertising for the mobile Coin Master game hack and a shill from the mobile game developer, "ThinkGeek".
Once again, I am a trader and would like to know how this kind of trick is possible. I have been playing this game for over six months now and have never had the opportunity to play any of those games that tell you about getting more coins. You earn coins by playing the mobile game, there is no way to add them as you go. Anyone who knows how to do this kind of thing would be able to do it pretty easily with a few clicks on their keyboard. I know how to play the game and so do you.
So, how to get lucky with the mobile Coin Master game? The answer is just the opposite of what the mobile game is doing. You must take the Coins that you spent to play the game and put it into a PayPal account and buy the games to unlock the coins. Please do not listen to any of this bulls**t information; there is nothing in here that can help you become a better trader than the skills you already have.