16 Nov
The latest Twitter theme is a Viking coin master game. Have you ever played a game like this before? The idea is that you get a bunch of coins, you then ask all your followers to tweet you their best moves and the person with the most retweets wins the game. This Twitter theme has a very simple setup. You tweet out your best Viking moves, like how to beat the bank with the leader coins, etc. Then you retweet the best moves from your followers.
It's a very simple game. The rules are very easy. Each Viking follows you need to follow back every time you tweet a move that makes you look good. Your followers must always retweet you if they feel that you are getting it right. When I was first looking for a way to win at Viking themed games on Twitter, I didn't even think this idea through.
I was getting excited about the Viking theme and started thinking, what else could there be? Here's the thing, you can play the Twitter Viking coin master game any time of the day or night. You can play the game in the morning before you get out of bed, as a way to kill some time, etc. But you can also play it late into the night when you've been off Twitter for awhile. The point is that if you play it a few times a day, it will become a fun habit. Before long, you'll be tweeting about a winning streak almost every day.
So then you can either let your followers to vote for you to win the contest or just keep going with the winner being chosen by random chance. Now that you know how to Golden Cards a Twitter theme, you'll be thinking that you need to win the contest to win the gold, so let's go ahead and take a look at how to Golden Cards a Twitter theme that is the Viking Coin Master game. You'll start by setting up an account, then you'll set up a Viking follower account. Now you'll choose a Twitter theme to follow. Since we're playing a Viking theme, you'll be following @TheVikingCoinMaster.
Now just go ahead and get started. Follow the rules for the game, then take action and tweet the move that makes you the Viking Coin Master. Keep in mind that in this game, the Vikings don't win the game. They only win the coins that you throw away. So the idea is to take turns, keep throwing away coins, and only throw away the best moves in a certain period of time.
So in order to win, you need to tweet the winning move, and throw away the best winning streak in the fastest time possible. You can't go by instinct and try to win every game that you play. You need to do a little research on your moves, and then tweet about the best moves. So there you have it, how to win at Viking Coin Master games on Twitter. This is by far the easiest and most fun way to get Twitter followers to follow you and tweet about you.
All you have to do is follow this Twitter theme, do your best and toss out the best winning moves. So, after all that, you now know how to Golden Cards a Twitter theme. Next, make sure you set up a twitter account, and start following some of the Vikings. They are awesome and you are very happy to have them following you!