25 Jun
A new viral video game has been spotted online, and it's titled "How to Golden Cards" in a Fox Digital release. This could be the newest twist on a classic card game. So I decided to take a closer look at this fantastic game. You are a Viking warrior going to war against the Redcoats with your coins in this all new coin master game. Each round, there is a different card dealt out and you must use your coins to choose a card of the same suit.
The object of the game is to get as many points as possible. While I cannot see the game getting too much attention, it looks very fun! The graphics look great and the sound is also excellent. There are different levels of difficulty for those that want it harder. The game also has a timed component. This game also offers a set of bonuses that are really neat.
These include items like: - "A Guy's Guide to How to Golden Cards" - Game played against a coin-operated opponent. A guy that you control that you can also challenge to win for a reward. You can also choose a game for an enemy of the war. - "War Room" - This will let you customize the deck of coins that you are given to match any given theme. You can also choose to play a mode that has you roll a coin to determine the suit.
- "Enemies" - Select an enemy to fight that will determine the style of the game. This includes "Pets"Guardians". Both of these levels can be chosen to help speed up the game. - "Coin Tokens" - This lets you buy coins so that you have them ready when you need them. As the game progresses, you will gain more coins.
The game will end with you getting a specific number of coins based on your highest score. - "Coin Storage" - This lets you use some of your coins as storage. Your coin's can be added to your inventory. The storage is based on your coins capacity. - "Coin Proof" - The game automatically adds coins to your inventory every time you play.
This gives you the option to spend your coins as you play. You can find coins at points of interest as well. - "Coin Storage" - This allows you to save up coins for some type of reward or war. It will have a coin storage to store the coins. The coins you save up can be used for either an army bonus or a bonus for a specific character.
If you are a fan of old school strategy games, you need to try this new coin master game. It is something that really gives the game an exciting edge! The "How to Golden Cards" game is part of a great series of games that Fox Digital is releasing, and you can download it right now.