10 Aug
So you want to add a new account to your Bullion gold account and want to try the Here's what you need to do. Grab your trusty computer, paper and pen and let's get started! Firstly you should know that this game is indeed a game. It is NOT just a means to get Coins in the bank. It is a real time strategy game that you can play online and play against other gamers from all over the world. That's right - it's FREE to play.
Not to mention the fact that you can get to make Coins while playing. As a matter of fact you can earn up to 50% of your income just by playing this free online game. So if you want to start a new game for the Bullion gold you are going to need to find out what the How to Hammer Coin Master Game actually is. First thing first, what does the game involve? Well, like any good strategy game it involves you laying down a lot of coins to get some of the best weapons and you do this in order to get the coins you want to Spins in. It also allows you to make some really amazing advances.
The game rewards you with a different weapon each time you hit an enemy, and in order to hit these enemies you have to use the advanced version of the basic weapon. In other words when you come across an enemy on the battlefield, the enemy won't be able to target you without this advanced weapon and this in turn means that the major gold coins you're after are going to need to be used to lay down the advanced weapon and be able to use it. And that is the heart of the matter with this game - it rewards you with the right kind of weapons so that you can really advance the game and build up your score. Save yourself the work and bother, the time that you will need to spend to learn about the game. And don't worry - we have an easy solution for you.
You see, we've discovered one of the tricks that will help you get to the first level of the game, get to the different levels that come along and then be able to use the advanced weapons to really take on the game. All you need to do is download the game into your computer, then transfer the downloaded file onto your hard drive. Then install the game. Now comes the easy part. After that you will want to follow the instructions.
Basically you need to put the game on the desktop as you would any other game and open it up from there, but on the right side of the screen you will see that it offers some free downloads and offers you some premium downloads too. This is where you can grab the free stuff and see how the game goes. If you think you are getting tired of the game already, all you need to do is just download the premium upgrade (you can get it for free too) and then get stuck into the game. After that you will want to remember to go through the tutorial and read the details on it and learn as much as you can. Cash is made by spending the premium upgrades to buy better weapons or better upgrades.
You have to spend the coins you get in order to buy these things, and this is why you need to use the tutorial. The tutorial will give you all the information you need to know about the game. So try a different type of game and get some serious Spins using the How to Hammer CoinMaster Game. You will be amazed at the amounts of Coins you can earn by just playing the game and using the information that you will be given.