31 Mar
After a number of years the 'How to coin Master' Facebook page is now facing a fresh problem. There have been a number of people trying to send a message of encouragement to each other, but there have also been some problems associated with it, and one particular problem has come about after the gaming community have started attempting to be the representatives of the page, for whatever reasons. When this happens, the people who were intended to help the page to move forward to get confused about how to make it better. So they end up calling themselves the representative of the group, instead of being the one doing the work. This has resulted in confusion, and very little progress.
The problem with this is that no one ever even used the Coins coins that were handed out by the Rhino Coin Master, because these aren't actually good enough to be traded and then traded some more. Those coins are being handed out, because they're expired, and therefore can't be exchanged for anything else at this point. So what do you do? You can use those coins, or you can actually use one of the high end items in the game, but to be honest that's all a waste of time. The problems that the problem has created are a result of people giving out Coins for high end items in a coin game, but they never actually use them. Because of this, people aren't really investing anything of value into this page, and so the supporters of the page to get confused as to why the one person can't get anything done.
So here's a short solution to this problem, and it should help everyone out. The solutions are actually relatively simple to figure out, and anyone should be able to easily figure out the solution without even having to look up how to make a coin master. All you need to do is copy a short link that someone had posted on the Facebook page for the game, and then you can paste it into your internet browser and simply put the URL into the address bar of Google to find a new Coin Master page. It'pretty simple, and the solution should help the people who've been unable to get things done with the page.