13 Aug
Every user of the Android Coin Master game is always looking for different coins to earn. The game is very addicting and you never know when you will find that elusive rare coin that will pay for all your wins. This guide will show you how to make more Coins by adding a new account. If you have not tried this out before, it is a great way to earn some extra Spins on the go. Instead of collecting coins at the local Mobile app game, just add a new account and start making Coins immediately.
The easiest way to add coins to the Raid Coin Master game is to download the free Blitz mode software. With this you can search for someone else's account and add them. All you need to do is find a large active player and add them and they will earn Coins automatically for you. Each time you add a new user to the Raid Coin Master game, your friends will earn coins and you'll earn coins as well. It's a win-win situation for everyone.
I highly recommend this method to anyone who wants to use their spare time to make some Coins without spending any Coins. To begin you will need to locate the user's profile. You can do this by right clicking on them and then selecting 'view public profile'. Once you are on their page, make sure you read through their description carefully. Next, you want to type in a search phrase that you will remember.
For instance, if your friend is an active player in the Raid Coin Master game, type in 'raider coin master' and you should get a list of results. You may also want to search for random words, as this way, you can pick out a new user quickly. In addition to finding the person on the profile, you can also look through their clan (if you do not know who they are). Clan memberships are not free. They are just like in-game friends, but you cannot contact or chat with them.
After locating someone to add, you can now invite them to the game. To do this, click the plus sign next to their name and then click the invite button. Then just select yes to their request. Once you've added a user to the game, you will notice that each time you win, they will receive a coin. This is the only method to earn coins, but if you would like to make some additional Spins, you may want to add a new account as well.
Once you create a new account, you will be able to add members of your friends list and earn coins directly from them. If you play enough games and make enough wins, you will eventually reach a point where you will have enough coins to make a purchase and add a new user to the Raid Coin Master game. With this system you will never run out of coins. The only exception is if you stop playing the game altogether. When you become inactive in the game, you won't be earning any coins, even though you will still be eligible to win games and earn coins.
So if you think you will be inactive in the future, make sure you make a new account before then. Most players will keep playing the game after they retire, so don't miss out on a free ride! Be sure to find the best strategy to use while playing the Raid Coin Master game. You don't want to waste time searching for coins when you could be earning them right now.