25 Jun
If you are thinking of how to play the Game of Thrones card game online and want to be a part of all the many surprises that you can be a part of, then read this article on how to create your own website and get to know how to play the Game of Thrones card game. If you are a follower of the show or not then you probably don't know this but the Game of Thrones is like the Cards Against Humanity meets Risk game with card game action. The Game of Thrones is a physical card game played on a table with twelve cards which have a face up image on them. There are two different rules to play, you either play the King of Westeros or the dwarf that comes with some interesting characters. The other rules include choosing a noble or an outlaw with one being a player who wants to learn about the virtual world and the other being a player who want to learn about the real world.
All players have different cards to start the game with, these cards will determine the outcome of the game, and who you are as the Game of Thrones, or the real world of Westeros. These cards consist of faces, coins, and swords with some card effects. If you want to create your own website or use a template to generate a website for you to use, then read this article on how to play the Game of Thrones card game and create your own website to use to play the Game of Thrones online. First you will need to install WordPress if you haven't already done so, as this is the only way to create a landing page that will be the site's home page. Once this is done go to your main WordPress theme and choose the menu on the left hand side of the page and click on the Add New Template Button.
A new page will appear and then search for "Game of Thrones" and click on it, you will find a template for a Game of Thrones Landing Page, so save it and then go to the header section and search for "basecamp". You will see that there is already a sidebar with an icon for the default Home Page, click on this and now you can add two more columns of columns under the Post Meta boxes. After saving these changes go to Home or My Pages and then scroll down to Basecamp and you should see the new columns you just created. Now go to your Home Page and then navigate to add a new post and set the port type to Game of Thrones. Finally, you should be able to visit your Game of Thrones Landing Page and play the Game of Thrones online game by clicking the icon that will be added under Game of Thrones Landing and follow the instructions to begin the game.