07 Aug
Each Tweet has an associated Coin Master Free Game - a twist on the classic kids' card game! Your Twitter account can also be used as a means of accessing the Storm Realm where your Storm Master (I have decided to call him Luke) can level up, gain new powers and abilities, and use these new powers in order to defeat enemies and collect an assortment of prizes. You will be joining the Storm Realm to help Luke build a storm ship and save his friends from the Fire Realm. This is where all the power comes in...Luke is equipped with the Spark Power (these are an array of magic mushrooms which allows him to grow in size). These mushrooms will also allow him to fly! Here is how to get started in the Coin Master Free Game.
It can be found on the Site: One, you will need to go to your Account Settings on the Site and click on the Join button. Then you will need to add one side of each Coin that you possess and take care to add all of them to your Treasure Chest (this includes any donations or tips that you receive and is located under the Coin menu). Next, you will want to join a Realm (if you do not yet have one). Once you have joined a Realm, simply click on the "Welcome" button and then you will be presented with a message box. Leave the message box and click on the "Copy" button to save it.
Now the easy part begins! Once you have entered the Coin Realm, choose one of the "coins" that you know about and choose the game that you would like to play. Simply follow the instructions by clickingon "start" in the top right corner (click on the coin type that you wish to play and then click on "start" on the bottom row, and so on). Once the game begins, you can either select one of the playable characters (the ones with the unique coins) and participate in a game of the Storm Realm, or you can choose a non-playable character (to form the teams to battle your opponents). This is actually the easiest way to play the Storm Realm - after you have successfully completed the first three rounds, all you need to do is select "finalize" in the top right corner. Your character will now be leveled up to "hero" status and will be ready to face your enemies in the next round.