17 Dec
In this article I'm going to share with you how to win 1000 spins at coin master game, Twitter coin master, and the Rhino Coin Master Friends game. It's important to understand that in these games you are not trying to predict the next roll of the dice, or the spin of the wheel. You are only trying to get the highest roll on each coin that you turn over. Let's look at these games from the viewpoint of what type of person wins the prize? If you're a gambler then obviously winning is more difficult. However, if you're a collector or hoarder then it makes the game easier because you have some knowledge about the types of coins.
To win at Twitter friends, or a game like the Rhino Coin Master you must have a huge amount of followers. The larger the list the better you'll do. You may have heard that one of the most successful Twitter accounts, Wayne Costanza, had almost 3 million followers. I've seen many people say they are part of Twitter's fastest-growing list. It's really important to follow people that aren't popular, but which have follower lists that are very large.
I recommend that you actually spend Coins on followers instead of using referrals from other people. You can get a lot of knowledge about the coins you are interested in by looking through lots of followers. How to win at coin master games like the Rhino Coin Master doesn't come easy. It's a very tricky game and if you don't know what you're doing then you'll lose a lot of Coins. You also need to be careful of what you tweet and how long you hold on to tweets.
You may want to check out the Twitter blog, which I recommend at my blogroll page. There's a ton of information there for free.