30 Jun
In an effort to find out how the Facebook coin master game works, I decided to play the free version. The result of this experiment is posted below. Of course I have every intention of continuing the game even if I lose a few 20 spins of the game. But let me share what I've learned so far with you. I was very excited to play the game because of the visual that came with the free version of the game.
Of course I didn't realize at the time that the most fun I'd have was going to be because of winning or losing. I was still able to get some practice 20 spins though by spending some time on my Facebook page. The gameplay itself was simple, because I found it very fast paced and even though it was limited to just one player at a time, it was easy to learn and play. So I began the game with a new account and from there I eventually progressed to playing with two players. The only problem I've found with the game is that it's very difficult to master and win 20 spins at coin master game on the second turn.
This has been the same for both of my first attempts to play the game. The reason for this is that there is no way to complete page-turns on the second turn after that. I've played through the game several times to try to learn the first turn and I haven't been able to accomplish anything on the second turn. Apparently, the most interesting part of the game is to complete all the Hammer moves. I'm not sure how it works in the free version but I have a theory.
I'm not sure if anyone else has had any luck doing this in the free version. In order to be successful at winning 20 spins at coin master game, it appears that the player needs to be aware of what is happening on the board on the second turn. If you've made good 20 spins on the second turn, then you may be better off not doing the full Hammer move on the second turn. So, if you're doing a Hammer move on the second turn, then you won't have a chance to do it again until the third turn. If you want to complete your 20 spins on the second turn, then you should move on to the third turn.
The problem with this is that you will end up not having a chance to do as many 20 spins in the free version as you could in the game where you didn't have the ability to complete 20 spins on the second turn. It's kind of a bummer to say the least. My best bet for learning how to win 20 spins at coin master game is to learn the coins, the Coins wheel, and then watch the game closely. You will need to be watching the game for a while to catch all the angles. The Coins wheel in the free version is tricky too.
You can either be spinning the black or the red coin, but in the free version it's not apparent which one you are going to get.