02 Dec
The new way to win 5000 spins at the Viking Coin Master is to have your friends help you out with the quests. You need a way to get coins and use them to win these random events. So how do you get this happening? It can be in a few different ways. You can join up with the Raid Friends program and invite the right people and they can win your cards. When I started out on my quest to get that Golden quest card, I learned that the Raid Friends program gave me something to do other than winning at the Viking Coin Master.
I can invite my friends and they can win the new events. They can collect the quest cards from Treasure chest loot and win the events. Then they will add them to their collection. Now when they do win they can use the coins for a Golden or Silver Quest Card. Keep in mind that you will want to level up your friends.
If you think it is not worth the time, you can purchase a coin for a friend to collect coins for you. That way they are trying to help you earn them as well. The reward will be a lot more fun for them. You will earn coins for your friends to help with the completion of the quests. Each quest will have a boss to fight.
They will also have Treasure chests to fight with loot. Your friends can help you pick up the gold, and they can complete quests for you. You will find the more coins you get and the more coins you win the more the game increases in difficulty. This will keep players coming back for more of the quests. This is good for you, because it will mean that more people will have a chance to win the games.
You can use this coin toss mode to select from an assortment of colors for your players. This way when they win they can make a statement about who they are by choosing the color of their coins. I like this because it shows off the game well and it adds another way to win. There is also a save players feature on the screen when the coin toss is happening. So you can jump back in if you decide to quit and start over.
That will keep players interested as well. Don't waste your time trying to win at the Viking Coin Master with this method. Try something else. Do something else that will work well for you. It is important to consider the random events while you are playing.
The Golden and Silver quests are hard enough to win with your friends. Make it harder for them and win the game for yourself. The Coin Master can be difficult to win with a group of friends. Use the same method to win with the other random events.