01 Nov
Do you want to get that tenth win in the Coin Master Facebook game? You need to know how to bring home some extra Spins. How about bringing home a lot of extra Spins on your Android and iPhone. In this article, we will be talking about the method of winning in the latest game by Warner Brothers called, "Raid Party" or better known as the Facebook Game, "Coin Master". One of the best tips to get yourself the tenth win in the coin master game is to use the World Wide Web and find other people who have already won in the game. This can be done easily with the Facebook platform.
One of the ways that you can do this is to find people in your network who are already winning in the game. If they have just recently won, find out if they can be reached and ask them if they would like to share their winnings. Another way is to use one of the social bookmarking websites and search for the game's status update links. This will help you find other players in your network who have recently won. You should be able to find several people who have already won in the game.
Then you can join up with them and get to know each other better. The next step is to start playing with other players. Each day, try to play a little bit more than the day before and see how it goes. Once you start winning, you will eventually be able to get the ten wins that you need to get for the tenth win.