11 Aug
My little cousin and I were thrilled to get our very own Facebook friends in for an account so we could create a cool looking Facebook Coin Master game. But our Facebook friends would just keep deleting the application, because they would be able to collect more coin masters and then they would leave to get more from the market. So we figured out a way to hack the Facebook Coin Master game. We would teach people how to do a Facebook Coin Master hack and then allow them to keep the application and we wouldn't have to worry about them deleting it. After doing some research, we found a great source of guides that we could use to help us figure out how to hack the Facebook Coin Master Game.
After getting our first few successes we really started to get excited about the game. But we had to wait a couple weeks before we could start sending the application out. Once we were finally able to send out the application it was a huge rush. Everyone who got their applications sent out loved the Facebook game. It was a much bigger sensation than it even was just a week earlier.
The next week we started trying to get even more Facebook friends in for the Facebook Coin Master game. This time we used the same strategy we used for the Facebook friends but instead of being able to collect more coin masters they were able to use them to upgrade their own coin master. After a couple weeks of working hard to get new people in we finally finished making a Facebook Coin Master game that everybody wanted to play.