16 Mar
. The iPhone version of the Coin Master game is popular but to me it's not the real deal. I mean, with a demo you get the feel of the game and it's cool to see if you can master the tricky gameplay of this game or not. But do I really need an iOS version? The good thing about the Android version is that the game itself is pretty cool. The first game I downloaded from the Android version was called "FIFA Soccer" and you could choose one of two teams which was United States or Germany.
You were on a soccer field and there were three goalies and you had two and a half minutes to score as many goals as possible. Every goal you scored gave you a point and the closer you were to the goal, the more points you got. So if you hit the goalie three times, you got eight points for it. It was pretty cool but I don't know if I can score more than eight points in a game. The second game I downloaded from the Android version was called "Fox 2.0".
It's kind of the same game but with a little twist. Each player has a cursor that you use to move your ship around the screen so you can score more points. I downloaded this version of Fox with a friend and we started trying to figure out how to play it but because of the tutorial game, it didn't quite seem like a Fox game. So after trying to figure out how to play it, I just gave up and downloaded the demo of the game and downloaded the game from there. We both fell in love with the game and it was a perfect game for a night time fun activity, especially when you're bored.
In this version, you have to protect the Star-Port from invading alien creatures and if you can kill them all you'll win the game. When I decided to try out this new version of the Apple game, I realized that I'm not going to need an iOS version. I tried it out with my friend and he got really hooked to it. It looks like he's addicted to the game already. I also downloaded the Android version with my friend and we found the difficulty level to be the same.
The trick with that game is the style of play and the different levels of the game. In the Android version you start off with basic enemies but with the iOS version, you start off with even less enemies than the Android version. So I guess in a way, it's all about skill and technique. I think the iOS version is better because it has more variety in the levels and there are more levels in the Android version as well. That said, I would recommend the Android version over the iOS version simply because it's more fun and you really feel like you're playing a game instead of just using your iPad.
And the different styles of the game really take you into the experience and the competition.