18 Dec
There is a game called Raid Master for the iPhone that is a puzzle game that requires you to do something called a screen capture while following the instructions given in the game. As you progress through the game, your phone's battery will drain more quickly until you're almost out of batteries. If you want to stay ahead of the game and keep your game for as long as possible, you need to make sure you can keep track of where your iPhone Coin Master friends are. The first step to keep your friends on your friends list when you are not playing your iPhone Coin Master game is to use Facebook. When you sign up for Facebook, be sure to choose to use their "For You" friends and that the ones you want to be on your Friends list are friend already on Facebook.
Once you have your friends on Facebook, they will be automatically added to your Friends list if they do not have any friends on Facebook already. This is really important. It's easy to forget your Facebook friends if you don't go through this process. The next step to keep track of your iPhone Coin Master friends is to set up a profile for them. You can do this by going to your profile and clicking on "Create a new account."
This is where you will be able to enter in your Facebook friend name, your Facebook page link, and they name. You'll also be able to enter in your iPhone (or Facebook) ID. When this information is entered, it will appear on your Friends list under the name they have selected. The last thing you need to do in order to keep track of your Facebook friends when you are not playing your iPhone Coin Master game is to use the "Friends" button on the profile page to go to your friends' page and enter the same information into their profile. This will show you what your friends are doing with your iPhone so you can get a sense of what your friends are doing with your iPhone.
When you are ready to use your Facebook account to take part in Raid Master with your friends, you can go to the "Inbox" section of your Facebook account. From there, you can click on "Invite Friends" to send them a message to tell them that you're ready to play the game and invite them to join in. The next step to keep track of your friends when you are not playing your iPhone game is to create a group for them. You can do this by clicking on the "Account" tab and clicking on "Groups." On the left hand side of the screen, you will see a list of groups.
Click on the one you want to add your friends to and click on the "Add" button. After you have created the group, you can then invite the friends you want to join. To do this, go to your Facebook account and click on the "Friends" tab and then click on the "Invite Friends" button. In order to keep track of your friends when you are not playing your iPhone game, be sure to keep your Facebook page updated. Click on the "Report Spam" option on the upper right hand corner of your Facebook page.
Keep your friends updated by leaving a comment on all of the pages that you are subscribed to. If you have friends on any other social networking sites like Twitter, MySpace, Friendster, or MyLikedatemy, do the same.