16 Jan
Just like the Master Game of American Roulette, the Golden Cards is a highly competitive game that can be played with a coin. It was first published in the early seventies as a spin off of the American Roulette. It is the second most popular Mobile app game Coin Master game today. Playing Golden Cards is very different from other Mobile app game Coin Master games. Instead of laying down the Poker cards on the table, it is the turn of the player to roll the Coin.
There are many ways to spin the Coin and the player who roll it the highest number wins the game. The highest number that you win with is the number of Spin that you got, and this number is accumulated while winning. Although the original version of this game of Golds Cards game used the same coin but there was another change in the later version. They changed the prize for winning by the player to be worth ten dollars instead of five. Then, when the prize was increased ten times, people started to lose more and decided to take the option of not spin the coin.
This made the game more difficult and people began to lose their Coins instead of increasing their prize. In the early eighties, they changed the Prize to be worth five dollars, which was fair for both players. Then in the year nineies, the prize was increased to three dollars, which is what was required by law in Mobile app games in the United States. This means that people began to lose their Coins instead of gaining. It became very difficult to spin the coin at all and most people preferred not to play the game.
That is why they started to use the gaming websites which allowed them to play at the comfort of their home.