23 Sep
We all know how master event games make you feel and how the mobile game of coinmaster Facebook friends rewards that you can get in this game makes your eyes light up. Just recently a new update to the coinmaster game was released and it added the amazing twist of adding new coins based on new events. This new update allows players to have the chance to earn real Coins from their Facebook friends rewards. It is well known that this game has not been able to make the earnings up in time as expected. As a result, a lot of people are asking for a safe way to earn more in the coinmaster game by getting the coins in a safer way.
This is where mobile coin master Facebook friends rewards come into play. The new update adds another way to get coins to play the game. These coins are given with reward points to complete the achievements you would normally get in the coinmaster game. But instead of just earning the usual coins and Spins rewards of the game, you will now earn coins for completing achievement like playing specific amount of coins or changing your gaming style and strategy. The new coins are a bit safer as they are collected from points earned by the player, instead of coins they are now added with points and can be used when they are needed to.
A lot of people are using these points to build a virtual bank to help them in times of need. Just like all other coin masters, the coin master game of Facebook is not free anymore. If you want to play it for free you will have to visit the websites to join the community for the rewards. Also, it is recommended that you set up a profile to your account so that your friends could see your achievements and know that you are trying to earn more in the coinmaster game of Facebook.