08 Jul
The Fox Coin Master game is a must-have iPhone game and one of the top downloaded iPhone games to date. Many fans of the Fox game have put up their own Coins in a bid to find out how to make the game more challenging. I didn't know that there was an iPhone version of the game until a friend recommended it to me. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical, but the look and feel of the game are very impressive. I've played the original Fox Coin Master game on my PC and it has a very similar game play style.
Since the iPhone version of the Fox Coin Master game has only been released in Australia, I was quite curious to see how they had improved upon the game. I know that the standard game is quite simple and doesn't require any strategy or brain power but the iPhone version is a little more difficult than the PC version and the speed at which the game is played is much faster. In addition to improving the game play for iPhone, the Australian version of the Fox game has added a bit of strategy into the game. If you're familiar with the original game, then you will notice that the problem with the original game is that the gameplay is very similar to the random number generator from the game Super Mario Bros. In this game, instead of randomly generating the number to be generated by the coin toss at the beginning of the game, the player can now use this number to plan their next moves and build up some strategy in advance.
By using the same system that is used in the Fox game to plan ahead, you can actually have a better chance of winning the game. Another big addition in the iPhone version of the Fox game is the ability to place an Apple ID or Google account that is linked to your Facebook or Twitter profile as a guest character to the game. This enables fans of the game to participate in the game and interact with others, which can really boost the community spirit. I'm sure most of us are familiar with the blog and chat features that are included in the game to allow fans to discuss the game and some of the strategies that they use to win the game. The way that I have played the game, there are times when I end up playing against myself to improve my game and become better.
There are some times where I am less than impressed with my own strategy and will turn to some of the other suggestions that other players have posted on these discussion boards. One of the most popular strategies for adding to the challenge is called "free play", which allows players to try out a couple of free 25 spins at the game before spending any Coins. While these free 25 spins are fun, they also allow you to familiarize yourself with the game so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly. I've found that most players enjoy playing the game free and I like the idea of making more Coins by making fewer 25 spins, which I think is one of the big benefits of playing the game for free. I have seen a couple of people who have spent Coins on playing the Fox Coin Master game and the way that they have won the game has changed them and encouraged them to spend more Coins on it.
It seems to me that many of these people are making more Coins by playing the game more often than those who didn't spend Coins on the game and win a lot less Coins. My suggestion is to use the free 25 spins to familiarize yourself with the game and develop your own strategy, but do not spend any Coins on the game. If you can afford to spend Coins, then buy an expansion pack that will allow you to play against more opponents and adjust your strategy accordingly. Of course, I recommend this game if you're looking for a free game that you can play right away to start a new strategy for the future. The success that I have had with the game has only been because I knew all the strategies and didn't let luck determine my wins and losses.