08 Feb
Raid Coin Master is a unique Android device game that you can play for free with the FoxWare. It's a very fun game that will definitely keep you busy. It's fun, fast paced and most of all it has a touch of humor that will make you laugh out loud. This game has elements similar to the game Legend of Zelda, where players will be given a piece of land and will then have to dig up and collect coins along the way to gain more power to the castle. However, this game is unique in that the pieces are shaped like soldiers.
If you know anything about gaming or have played any other classic games, you'll know that this type of puzzle is a lot more complex. To start the game, you need to find the castle and begin the dig around it to uncover the treasure. Once you do this, a dragon-like creature will attack you and the stage of the game will change to the Tower. After some time, the dragon is defeated, and you now have the choice to either enter the treasure or fly away. The more coins you find, the stronger the dragons, making your journey a little bit easier.
As you go through the game, you will eventually be given more powerful dragons that can defeat dragons and other enemies. There are many levels of the game. Level one begins you with three coins and they start to fill up each time you dig a block. Each level gets harder and you need to dig faster than ever. It's fun as you level up the coins and new items are also added.
After you complete the level, you will be rewarded with an extra life and the bonus level will give you another five coins. A level after that is the Temple. You have to make a temple out of blocks and you will need to use a number of keys to unlock them. There are three towers and in the final level you have to help out a princess. She will help you if you use the key to get to her castle.
Once you complete the game, you will be able to save your scores. They can be added to your account so that you can play it again. Each level has hidden hints to help you along. This game is well made, entertaining and well presented. I had an absolute blast playing it and will play it again.
Games like this have an instant popularity because of its simplicity and appeal. It seems that the simplest games are always the most popular ones. If you've got some free time on your hands, you should check out Raid Coin Master. The developer is the same developer behind the FoxWare version of the game. He's a hard working guy who loves to make games.
It's great to see that he's able to accomplish all that and still keep his creative juices flowing. FoxWare offers a more advanced version of the game. It's exciting to be able to play the game on your phone. So what I say, don't be discouraged if you're not able to try the game right away. Get some friends together and get to the original version of the game for free! While Android Coin Master is just a free version of the FoxWare game, it does have some bonus levels, puzzle images and a Leaderboard feature that rank you according to your high scores.
The game also has music and sound effects that are much better than the original version. I was really looking forward to testing the new game called Raid Coin Master on my Android tablet. It was also exciting to see that it has everything that I love about the game, but at a lower price. The developers know what they're doing, I'm sure, and this is a fantastic idea. So if you're looking for an awesome puzzle game for your Android device, consider downloading the Android Coin Master.
It's free, has a great design and is fun and easy to play.