09 Aug
You can make Coins from Twitter and Facebook by playing the game of Coin Master. Just check out our website to find out how you can make Coins playing the game. Keep in mind that this is a free game and it does not require any Coins. The first thing you need to do is download the game of Coin Master. Once you have done that, head on over to the website and log in.
Once you have done that, you will be prompted to choose a name for your account. There is a pre-set name you can use, but if you would like a more unique name, simply choose something different. Next, you will be asked to choose a Twitter or Facebook username for your account. Choose whatever you would like, but make sure you don't share your name with anyone else. You do not want anyone coming along and impersonating you or making fun of you for your Twitter or Facebook username.
You can choose a Twitter or Facebook username for your account. After you have done that, it is time to choose a password. Choose something easy to remember, but don't choose a word that someone could easily remember. This will protect you from someone hacking into your account and stealing your personal information. Once you have chosen a password, head on over to Twitter or Facebook.
Make sure you click on the link under your picture so you can make sure you are actually logged in when you play the game. Once you are logged in, you can then sign up for an account. The next step is to create a character name. There are two ways to create character names. The first way is to type the name of the character into the search box at the top of the page.
The second way is to log in to Twitter or Facebook and type the character name into the search box on the left side of the page. Once you have typed the name into either of these methods, you will be given a list of characters that you can choose from. Once you have chosen the characters you would like to use, you will then click the "New Friend" button on the lower right of the screen. Once you do that, you will then be asked to choose which characters you want to add to your account. Enter the character name you have chosen, and then click the "Add" button.
Once you have clicked the "Add" button, you will then be prompted to enter the character name you have chosen. When you have done that, you will then be prompted to add the two characters you have created as a friend. When you are done adding your characters, you will then be asked to approve their request. When you have finished adding the characters to your friend list, you will then be asked to approve the request. If you agree, you will then be prompted to give them permission to add the character they just added to their friends list.
Click the "Allow" button, and then wait for them to then accept the character you just added to their friends list. Once they accept the character, you will then be prompted to add them to your character. If you do not want to add them to your character, simply click the "Remove" button, and then wait for them to decline the addition. Once they decline the addition, simply click the "Remind Me" button, and then wait for them to add the character again. Once they add the character, you will then be asked to accept the character you just added.
As long as you accept their character request, they can then add you as a friend.