31 Jul
The iPhone and the iPad versions of the popular Game of Coin Master game bring players from all over the world together in a single virtual gaming arena. Each virtual player's job is to earn as much Coins as possible and to take on the challenges that each world presents. Players must also work together to defeat opponents and solve riddles, among other things. Players earn virtual gold through various means. Players may explore the map for new challenges or make use of a powerful computer-driven advanced challenge system.
Players also earn Coins by completing in-game tasks. Challenges can be played individually or players can complete them in sequence, with all in-game tasks completed to increase their virtual gold. There are no real-Coins in-app purchases available in the Game of Coin Master. In-game gold can be acquired through single player games or through single player matches. This is done through a quick-play and online challenges.
Many of the quick-play challenges give players access to rare and valuable coins that can be used to purchase coins of even higher value. When players complete a challenge, they get to keep the coins that they can exchange for real Coins. Sometimes, winning a challenge earns players more gold than another player who takes on the same challenge. However, they need to pay a large amount of Coins in order to take the challenge. This gives players the opportunity to increase their gold by winning challenge matches.
These coins can be used to purchase objects in the marketplace and to purchase better virtual Spins. Although players can buy additional objects to customize their profiles, they do not have the ability to improve their characters. Instead, they are limited to buying and selling virtual gold in the marketplace to earn enough Coins to upgrade their characters. The Game of Coin Master allows players to enhance their characters through cosmetic upgrades. Players can alter their race and gender, add new skill combinations, or change their costumes.
These changes make it so that they look and act different from one another. Winning challenges in the Game of Coin Master gives players virtual Coins. They can use this Coins to buy different items in the marketplace. The marketplace includes such items as clothing, weapons, as well as pieces of weaponry. Players can even buy another player's character and use it as a playmate in their single player world.
Some characters can be used as weapons, but players can only earn virtual coins when their characters are defeated. Players can use this virtual Coins to buy clothing, potions, potions of healing, and potions of haste. Players can also use these virtual coins to purchase potions of invisibility and restore health. The need to replenish health and restore health to make the multiplayer world of the Game of Coin Master quite challenging, though players can't have health restored in multiplayer unless they have items to refill health, too. Winning challenges gives players real Coins, so players will need to try to collect coins while playing the game.
The amount of Coins earned depends on how much Coins the player wins in the real-Coins challenges. Players also receive Coins from leveling up, from buying and selling virtual objects in the marketplace, and from completing "fairy quests." Players can increase their character levels by winning challenges. Characters are leveled up by winning tasks and getting the most gold. Each level increases a character's attributes.
As players move up the character levels, they can use more powerful skills and weapons. Players can buy weapons and then purchase upgrades for them to further enhance their characters. Leveling up is also tied to the amount of Coins a player has, so winning challenges can make players richer. The Game of Coin Master is an exciting and challenging game to play, and it helps players to bond with their friends. Players can pass the time while working on challenges and earning virtual Coins to play in their own social world or take on other players in multiplayer mode.