07 Mar
If you're a fan of the Android version of Coin Master Viking, you'll want to go ahead and mark your calendar for its coming on January 18th. They have a new Raid friends Coin Master game event that's going to begin today and will run through January 29th. This is the second time that they have held an event and this time around it will be an extra special one. You've heard the word, "extravagant" when talking about the first event. Well, so far all of the details that have been released show how outrageous it is, and I'll try to describe the events to you.
Each event is centered around a concept and this time around, they are holding two new game events: a Lunar Calendar Coin Event and a Crossed Date Event. The Lunar Calendar event is a special one because it has three coins in it. Each person who plays the game will receive one silver, two gold, and one bronze coin. This event will be set up so that every month, the players will be able to go to a website and see what coins are coming up in that month. That will make it easier for them to plan out their strategy and gearing up for the events that are coming up soon.
Then, they can actually go into the game to complete their strategy. The Crossed Date event will have the same concept except instead of coins, they will have to battle tickets. That's right, every time that you complete an event, you will get one to two battle tickets. So, just like the lunar coins were each time you played the game, so will the battle tickets be there for you to collect. These are the two events that will be going on this Thursday and Friday.