25 Jun
. A few years ago, I participated in the Coin Master rewards game on Facebook. In this game, players from all over the world collect virtual coins and spend them to get lottery tickets to win prizes ranging from a vacation to cars and vacations to a much bigger prize of a multi-million dollar inheritance. The Coin Master Facebook site keeps an online database of people who have entered the game on Facebook. These people can be friends, family members, or business associates of the player.
With each person's location, a number of other people can be found as well. Although everyone has similar interests and likes, each location has a separate group of people who have a special connection to the player. For example, each location has a number of winners, which is found by using GPS on the iPhone to plot the location of the coin in the same direction as the target location of the reward. For each prize that the player receives, a number of "tickets" are used to offer that prize in a specific area in the computer program. If the player is at a location where the player was previously a winner, the player will be awarded with the prize and the location in which the previous winner was located.
For every person who collected a ticket in a specific international location, a winner is chosen. Each location is linked to a corresponding winner. Now, there is a new Facebook game that you can play. It is called the "Viking Coin Master" game. The objective of the game is similar to the Coin Master game except it is played on Facebook as well.
Once you find the person's location, the program will send you the required information about the current location of the prize. The player will then need to figure out how to get to that location, locate the prize, and get back to the computer where the program has put the prize for the player. The reward location can also be marked on the map as well as the player's current location, so that the player knows exactly where to go to get the prize. You will also earn total points towards your overall score. When you earn enough points, you will be able to win the overall prize.
This game is a lot like the ones on the Internet that give away Coins or gift cards, but the prizes you win are real. Once you sign up to play the Coin Master game on Facebook, the game will start with the same instructions and rules as it does in the original Facebook game. You must first pay a small fee of thirty-nine dollars to participate in the game. After paying the fee, the game will give you access to the program, which is the iPhone application called the "Flickr Photo Editor". You will then be given the option to create new accounts, change your name, or delete the one you currently have.
Once you sign up, you will be asked to choose a friend or family member to whom you can share your location. Once you create the account, you will need to choose a friend's name and receive a user ID. You then need to enter the location where you currently live, then enter the area code. After you have completed all of these steps, you will have to pay the $30 fee again. After you pay the fee, you will then be prompted to create a new account.
In order to start playing the game, you will need to locate the correct location where the main reward can be found.