05 Dec
If you would like to try your luck with an Android Coin Master game, here are a few tips on how to win 1000 spins at the game. The basic concept is very simple, so make sure that you read through the entire guide to get a feel of how to win 1000 spins at Coin Master game. The game of Coin Master is played with cards. Each card has a corresponding shape and once the game starts, the player with the most coins on the given card is declared the winner. Each card has a certain number of coins, and the winner is the one who has more coins than his opponents.
To play the game of Coin Master, the player must first be introduced to the various categories of cards that can be selected from before the game begins. The types of cards include: numbers, characters, special shapes, different colored coins, pieces of coins, treasure, health, damage control and level based cards. In addition, the player may also choose from several colors for his card. After the cards have been selected, it is important to familiarize oneself with the attack buttons. The attack buttons are all present on every card that you can choose from.
The buttons vary in appearance, depending on which kind of card you are playing with. The attack buttons are used to defeat other players by sending them flying into a special hole. For example, in order to send an opponent flying into the red shell, press the attack button. However, you will need to acquire three red shells in order to do this. Also, the special hole that the opponent lands in can be obtained by smashing the opponent with an iron ball.
The next aspect of playing the game of Coin Master that needs to be understoodis that the games are played in rounds. Every round has its own objective and a win condition, and after the first round of a game, the next round begins. After the first round, the loser is not allowed to choose a second round or to restart the game. Each round of the game lasts about fifteen minutes. After the first round of the game, a fifteen-minute period will be given to refresh the players.
After the refresh period, the next round begins and the objective of the game is usually to send players flying into the same red shell that was hit in the first round. If the player does not hit the red shell in the second round, he wins the round. Having a perfect strategy is the key to winning 1000 spins at the game of Coin Master. Since it's quite possible that you could lose the first few times you play the game, it is a good idea to be prepared and practice the strategy for your next match.