05 Aug
The Viking Coin Master Mobile Game was not designed to be an easy game but to get players to buy in and give their opinions, with its social networking aspect. Once it was launched it immediately became a hit with many players. In this article I will cover the aspects of the game that will allow you to have the edge over your competition. The Viking Coin Master mobile game is based on trading. Players will build up a portfolio of coins and store them to use for buying equipment and materials.
Items available include swords, axes, shields, weapons, battle standards, helmets, and even suits of armor. The weapons can only be used when their durability reaches 100. The shield offers defense and protection. When a player is attacked, he will not lose durability when his shield breaks. If the player is not attacked by another player, he will gain durability from the shields.
If he does not use it all in a day he will lose durability. In this way the player can keep his durability up so he can fight more battles or complete more quests. It is essential that you do not wait until your stamina is almost depleted before you need to protect yourself. The longer you wait to protect yourself the weaker you will become. On the other hand, you will also need to be aware of the equipment that will damage you if you are attacked.
Some items, such as the shields, will protect you from certain types of attacks but others will break if they are damaged. The green beans will make you grow taller. It is important that you get plenty of green beans to keep your stamina up. If you eat too many you will need to find another way to get a higher height. This could take some time, depending on how quickly your stamina replenishes.
For those of you who do not like to eat foods with high calories you will need to be sure to eat the green beans. The reason is that they provide you with your daily supply of energy. They also give you other nutrients needed to prevent damage from attacking enemies. When you use a blue shield, you will also be given a stamina regeneration which will be necessary if you are going to get through your daily quests. As the Viking one of the most popular methods of attack against a Viking was to wear them down so they could no longer use their weapons.
When you successfully knock out the enemy then you can collect their health to add to your own. This will make it easier to defeat them because the Viking will no longer be able to use their weapons effectively. Each time you tap the green bean you will get a certain amount of stamina. It is always recommended that you get the maximum amount possible to be able to continue on your quests. If you collect enough green beans to make it to 100 stamina then you will begin to earn credits from completing your quests.
If you have enough credits then you can buy more equipment and materials. After collecting all the green beans you will need to recharge them before they will begin to expire. You can do this by tapping them. Each time you collect all the green beans you will get a piece of armor. This will make it easier to complete your quests because you will have a weapon and a shield.
The blue shield is used for shields while the green bean is used for growing your height. The helmet is not for decoration but to protect the face. It protects the head from being broken by weapons and shields. The helmet also gives a shield defense. Once you have obtained all the equipment and face armor the next thing you should do is go to the auction house and look for weapons and armor.
Once you have found the right weapons and armor then you can go back to the battlefield. The Viking Coin Master Mobile Game gives players the opportunity to learn how to make a living while they gain experience for their character.