31 Oct
A Twitter account is not enough to play the card trading game Coin Master, since you will need to tweet about the game in order to acquire "cards". Twitter is a great tool, but only if you are using it for good, legitimate purposes. Twitter has rules that prohibit harassment, abuse, and impersonation, so you must be careful when utilizing it for your own gain. To play the trading card game with Twitter, the Internet business isn't just about Twitter, it's about using Twitter as a platform to exploit the trust of unsuspecting users. The Twitter account I created to play the Card Trading Game with the game was called "Coin Master - How to Win Millions".
I did this to attract the attention of Twitter users looking for fun and excitement. I didn't even bother to make it look official, since Twitter makes no distinctions about what its members do when they're logged in, so I simply placed my Twitter avatar at the top of the page in an effort to make it look like I was part of the Twitter community. In the initial days of Twitter being popular, a user named Anthony Gucciardi started a character named "How to Win Millions" in an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of the Card Trading Game I was promoting on Twitter. I wasn't involved in any kind of deal or agreement with him, and I made sure I didn't follow back his tweets. I also enjoyed the aspect of the penny stock market on Twitter.
At the time, there were dozens of Twitter accounts that were related to penny stocks, and I liked to follow them. I considered following all of these accounts, but I realized I was able to earn more Coins if I put more effort into playing the trading card game with Twitter than by following back random tweets. One day, a user tweeted something about their pet. I saw that person had a Twitter account, so I followed them and quickly discovered that the person had become a scam artist in an effort to make millions of dollars from people looking for fun and excitement online. I do not recommend using Twitter to make Coins from people looking for entertainment.
The coin master game isn't even affiliated with anyone, so the author has absolutely nothing to gain by participating in the fraudulent behavior of others. This is the kind of bad behavior that people get harassed over again on Twitter. If you're ever in a situation where you feel harassed, you should take the time to read through the account of others, since they have probably been harassed before and are now feeling uncomfortable in that environment. You should never pay anyone to follow you on Twitter. If you follow someone, pay for the privilege, because it takes no time to do so.
If you think the Twitter community isn't safe, then you must know a little bit about the ways in which it operates. It's often said that the Twitter community believes it's one giant organized crime enterprise, since all members are actively seeking opportunities to make Coins. A lot of the users who use Twitter are part of an organized group, and they utilize their community to gather the information they need to play the Card Trading Game with the "official" twitter account. When someone plays the game on the official Twitter account, they take advantage of the fact that most people in the community will do so without doing any research, they won't know who this Twitter account belongs to, and they won't know how to find out. Twitter's terms of service will prevent you from making Coins from Coin Master, but it doesn't prevent you from investing.
If you have Coins to invest, I recommend using the Crowdcube site.