25 Aug
The Facebook Viking Coin Master Group is currently running a competition in which Viking Coin Master player can win a rare Viking Coin. Everyone who signs up and gets the coin can actually win some big bucks! If you want to become the winner of this coin, you must help to build a new action quest and complete it in a set amount of time, winning coins for your team will be awarded in the new quest. In this raid quest, your Viking Coin collection will expand and you will have to choose the best spots to take on any enemy that might appear in the scene. Your objective is to collect as many coins as possible in the shortest time possible, but be careful with your positions as you won't have much time to spend in a hurry. There are four main enemies which will be fought in this quest, each one will come with their own special ability that you will need to defend against so you don't get hit by their attack.
These enemies include: - Trolls - Svanir Hunters - Seer Warriors - Frost Mage Elementalists However, the first enemy you will face is called "New" and he will require an aura to be defeated. New will start his quest at the middle of the platform, beside the entrance of the room. You have to collect all the arrows you can and use them to hit him. "New" will then go to the bottom of the platform, near the items. He will jump up and land on the back of the platform.
As soon as you've killed "New", you will receive his final eye as a reward. Then you will get to fight "Hound". This enemy comes with two variants and a "dark" variant. The main difference between the two is the hound will do more damage and aoe than the other one. After you've done this, "Hound" will go up to the top of the platform and "New" will go to the bottom.
Then you will have to kill the two enemies "Kraken"Slave Master". This last one is not very hard and doesn't offer a lot of life points to your collection. Then you will have to get the new quest title and head out of the scene and then you will receive a piece of armor from "Gunnbjorn" which can be used on the "New" variant. Then you can use this piece of armor on "New" and he will then go down and a gate will open, allowing you to enter the zone.