26 Jun
Have you been looking for a way to turn your house into a mini-throne, so you can be the winner at the Viking Coin Master New Event? Well, I have the news for you. Here are the tips and tricks you need to win your battle with the hammer over. One of the things you must know about the Viking Coin Master is that it has three kinds of battles. The Hammer, Sword and Shield. You have to use each in order to win the battle.
It's as simple as that. The Hammer is the heaviest weapon you have. It is the slowest to deploy but it does the most damage and you can never have too many hammers in your inventory. The Sword is the heaviest. However, it is the fastest to deploy, which makes it the perfect weapon for using against the Hammer.
However, a Sword is best used to either cut or slash the enemy. You will not want to use it for hitting an opponent. The Shield is your middle ground between the two. It is strong enough to block the Hammer's damage, but it also blocks the Sword's attacks. Use the Shield to block and chop away at the enemy.
Remember that the Shield has a shield plate on the backside. The problem with using the Shield is that it takes too long to create this shield, and it can easily get knocked off during combat. If you don't want to be hit by any of these, you will want to avoid the Viking Coin Master altogether. Instead, you should focus on the Hammer and the Sword.While the Sword has a faster attack speed, it takes much longer to draw out.
Thus, if you can use the Sword during the combo, it is highly recommended. The Hammer is also slow, but it deals more damage. A quick swipe from the Hammer is recommended. For the Hammer to be effective, however, you need to use it with the Sword during combat. You also need to keep in mind that the Sword has a target lock which allows you to keep it away from you in case you get too close.
The same holds true for the Hammer. You need to make sure that you do not have to get too close to them. One other thing that you need to remember about the Viking Coin Master is that it is very easy to knock off of the ground if you let your guard down. In addition, using the Shield and the Hammer to protect you from this can also give you the upper hand. Now that you know how to win at the Viking Coin Master, start learning how to win the battle on your own.
Then, I can guarantee that you'll be winning more coins!