02 Nov
"Revealed" is an online game developed by Rhino Coin Master that was made available for free on Facebook. It's an add-on of the Fox Game Master game and Fox Enterprise Online. The game is the follow-up to a previous game called Coin Master, which is a card-based card game (or TCG) where you collect free playing cards from your friends and other players and play to win. The game developers have announced that they will launch this new game idea in three variants. In all versions, though, you can have access to most if not all of the features of the previous version.
With the new twist, however, it will be much easier to play and will come in an app format. Thus, people who want to start playing just need to download the free app and log in to their Facebook account. The most innovative of the variants will be "Coin Master Facebook Friends", which is an update to the original Fox Coin Master game. In addition to having access to the same cards as the original version, players will be able to connect with their Facebook friends. Unlike the normal Fox game, "Coin Master Facebook Friends" will allow them to chat and trade cards with them.
The new release will be supported by three new trading cards from different places and characters from the original game. You will also be able to compete with players from all over the world through sending out missions and to give each other free cards. Although the version that will be "Coin Master Facebook Friends" is not free of charge, the concept is still just like the original game. In the paid version, the game developers have added new trading cards that are available from the social networking site. Like in the "Free Card Facebook Friends" app, users will be able to create and maintain their own Facebook groups.
This new variant of the Coin Master game will also feature its own "factions". The factions in this new game will not only include traditional playing cards, but also include non-playing cards like mission boards, life points, and coins. As it is only a limited time offer, "Free Card Facebook Friends" is only available to those who have signed up for the game. The new players will be given two rounds to test the game before the usual level time, which should help newcomers understand the basic rules of the game. The developers of the new Fox games are also still working on the new "Add-On Pack", which will be compatible with both "Fox Game Master"Rhino Coin Master".
In this pack, players will get access to six "Rescue Mission" scenarios. To make sure that the new versions can accommodate to the Fox game's advantages, the developers are planning to tweak the game's interface and to improve on the gameplay. The developers hope that this time around, players will be more interested in purchasing the new cards. However, they will be creating an option for those who would like to download the free version of the cards. Users who buy the new version will be allowed to keep the same cards as they were.
In order to ensure that the new cards can support more players, the developers are also going to be providing free packs to new players. The new packs will include three new missions, which will allow for better replayability. "Free-Packs" can be found in the game website at the same page where you will find the free packs. Once a new player has received a free pack, he will be able to purchase more packs as he needs them. In a nutshell, you will be able to play with the previously released "Coin Master" game online with "Coin Master Facebook Friends" as well.
Now you will be able to continue the same strategies that you did with the first version of the game to expand your card collection.